Planning Permission

Where planning permission allows you to carry out the development, building regulations approval is there to safeguard that the works are carried out in a structurally safe manner in accordance with building regulations currently in force.

Generally for garden structures or log cabins less than 30 sq.m. floor area the building regulations do not apply.

However any building that has external walls made of combustible material and exceeds 15 sqm internal floor area must be sited with a minimum distance of 1000 mm from any third party boundary. This is to limit the risk of spread of fire.

If the structure or cabin is in excess of 30 sqm internal floor area then building regulations approval should officially be sought.

The log cabin cannot extend beyond the part of the original house nearest to the highway – meaning you can’t put a log cabin in your front garden or beyond the front wall of your house without planning permission!

It must have a height of less than 4 metres in the case of a building with a dual-pitched roof or 5 metres if it is within 2 metres of a boundary. The eaves cannot exceed height of 5m.

The log cabin cannot be used as a separate living accommodation or independent separate dwelling

Planning authorities make their decision based on each individual case of circumstances, so don’t write off your chances if you were hoping for a 4m tall log cabin close to a border.

Planning Application 

Your application will depend largely on it’s location and size a such as how the new structure will affect your neighbours.

If it will have an adverse effect, it is unlikely you will be granted permission. It is also highly likely you will need planning permission if your proposed build will restrict the view of others, or require a new or wider road for access. this is a great resource with tonnes of information about the planning process.

If you do need planning permission, ask your local planning officer about your intended build. Do they see any difficulties with it? Is there anything they can suggest that will make it more likely to be approved?

Check on the council’s website for their policies. Look at applications that have already been approved in the local area. Ensure your proposal fits in with the area you are suggesting to build in.